Glass - Services
Glazing Units
Stained Glass
Glass Coffee Tables
Glass Doors
Shower Cubicles
Polycarbonate Boards
Balcony Extensions
Hollow Glass Bricks
Framing Paintings
Glazing Accessories

Katalog wzory - prostokątne
Katalog wzory - kwadratowe
Katalog wzory - narożniki
Katalog wzory - okrągłe
Katalog wzory - paski
Katalog wzory - kształty podłużne
Katalog wzory - postaci
Katalog wzory - ramki
Katalog wzory - roślin
Katalog wzory - znaki zodiaku
Katalog wzory - zwierzęta
Katalog wzory - inne
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One of the leading activities of the Krysztal Company is decorating glass and mirrors by sandblasting and colouring.

Sandblasting can be used for ornamenting large surfaces such as door and window panes or table tops but also for decorating vases and mugs with patterns and commercial art.

The 3D blasting technology which we introduced lately has aroused great interest among our customers. Its effects resemble low relief.

This technology allows making even the most complicated forms and designs a reality

We offer non-standard advertising services:

- advertising boards on glass
- sandblasting and colouring
- occasional inscriptions on coffee mugs, beer mugs, bottles, vases, ashtrays
- business card racks with sandblasted company logo
- informational plaques on colourful lakobel glass
- we engrave any patterns and inscriptions by deep sandblasting

We make patterns on all kinds of glass:

- mirrors
- transparent glass
- antisol tinted glass
- ornamented panes
- toughened panes
- black glass /for graves/
- anti-burglary panes
- lakobel painted glass - New!

We can also make any pattern according to customer design.

Feel invited to cooperate with us!

We also specialise in engravings and grave inscriptions.

We can sandblast engravings and grave inscriptions of any kind .

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